Open Your Eyes

English 380 - Ecoliterature

Location: Denver, Colorado, United States

Thursday, March 02, 2006


Red soft shell
polka dotted black
simple life.
Crawling, tickling, exploring.
Conquering arm forests,
feeling, falling.
Aimless discoverer of
New Worlds:
wrinkle and nail.
in circles unknowingly
before shell opens
and flies away.

Acid Rain

It was raining in slo for the first time in a while a few nights ago, so I thought it might be kind of romantic to just lie out in the rain and let it patter my face for a while. But I just ended up lying in a puddle, looking at the dim purple sky for about five minutes before I realized that I wasn't having much fun being so wet and cold. Maybe that's why many people just don't enjoy nature very much, and take so many precautions to protect themselves from it, to distance it by controlling it in some way...because nature, despite all its beauty, has a tendency to make people wet and cold when they'd rather be under a blanket, drinking hot chocolate by an electric space heater.

A Storm is Nigh

As I step outside of my house, my body immediately feels that something is different. A slight shade of gray seems to penetrate every object in the cloudy afternoon light. Even my gray/silver car seems to be a bit gloomy today. A warm breeze passes across my face and the trees in my front yard shiver despite the eerie warmth. The air, though not sticky, feels moist and threatening. I take a deep breath and smell nothing. No wet pavement smell, no smell of grass, no smell of garbage from the overflowing cans in the side yard. Nothing. Besides the hum of cars passing aimlessly through SLO on the 101, nothing is heard. Suddenly, de ja vous hits me and I am feeling something that I've felt before: the advent of some mystery.
Stepping out from under the eave of my front porch, I look up: Clouds cover the entire central coast in a dark gray blanket at about 3000 feet with beautiful wispy patterns. It looks as though some giant had taken his wire whisk to a meringue pie and whipped it up into beautiful wavy patterns, and as one large puzzle it moves with uncanny uniformity toward the north.
A storm is nigh.